If you have a very round face then you will want to stay away from hairstyles that are very short in the front. You can go with short hairstyles, but you will want to make sure that they come longer in the front to around your chin area. You will also look good with medium length hair.
If you have a long face then you will want to also stay away from hairstyles which are short in the front. You would look best with medium to long hair that frames your face. Hairstyles that come inward toward your face will look great on you.
For a heart shaped face you will want to find a hairstyle that you like, you are a very lucky person that will look good in most types of hairstyles. You will look good in short, medium, or long length hairstyles.
When you choose a hairstyle you will want to make sure that you conciser a persons face shape when you are looking at pictures to decide which one you want. You are not going to look exactly like the person in the picture does, but you can come close as long as they have the same shaped face as you do. You don't want to become fixated on a hairstyle that isn't for your face shape, this is the main reason why so many people leave the hair salon with a hairstyle that they are less than pleased with. Be sure that you also explain to the stylist what you are trying to do and let them know the hairstyle should go a certain way for your shape, that way they adjust the lengths accordingly.
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